Windows 11 Upgrade -everything you need to know

Upgrading to Windows 11 - everything you need to know and more for your next operating system upgrade. From hardware to software, the bugs, errors and how to resolve them and get upgraded.
Windows 11 upgrade

If you’re still running Windows 10 and want to get a Windows 11 upgrade you are in the right place. Let’s look at everything you need to know about hardware, software, system requirements and more. 

Hardware requirements for Windows 11 upgrade

Trusted Platform Module (TPM 2.0) chip

Almost most motherboards to day support TPM 2.0 they may not always have the hardware chip. You can buy a TPM chip at your local computer store, install it and enable TPM in your BIOS.

Supported Intel & AMD CPU 64-bit

To install or upgrade to Windows 11, devices must have a compatible 64-bit processor or system on a chip (SoC) with two or more cores that run at 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster to install or upgrade to Windows 11. Additionally, devices must have at least 4 gigabytes (GB) of memory and 64 GB of available disk space.

In summary for Intel you will need at least an 8th generation Intel I-series processor. For AMD you will need a minimum of a Ryzen 3 CPU.

Software requirements for upgrading to Windows 11

Windows 11 upgrade media

Let’s head on over to  the Microsoft website to get the upgrade media software.

Why upgrade to Windows 11?

Not only does Windows 11 function better, its faster and has better built-in Malware protection. This will mean you wont have to rely on our computer repair technicians to visit you as often.

Windows 11 has built-in health check software to ensure better application functionality so you can enjoy more of what you love!

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